Animal Rescue League reminds the community to keep pets safe while preparing for disasters

EL PASO, Texas– During national Pet Preparedness Month, the Animal Rescue League wants to make sure the community knows how to keep their pets safe in case of any disasters.
Animal Rescue League Kennel manager, Loretta Hyde, said pets are important members of your family, and the community needs to be prepared for the unexpected.
Hyde said you should follow these tips while keeping your pet in mind:
- Make a plan
- Build an emergency kit
- Stay informed
Hyde said some items you should keep in the emergency kit include food, water, medicine and a first aid kit.
She said you should also include grooming items as well as an extra leash and collar with a tag with your contact information.
She reminds the community to have vaccines and microchips up to date for their pet. Also, she recommends having a photo of your pet in case they get lost.
“We always plan with your children, so it's the same thing with pets," Hyde said. "Have something in order, most importantly get out and take them with you if they have their leashes and collars on with their name and address, and pictures, that's a plus."