Sunday Funday Moment: El Paso dad’s creative Halloween decorations tell a daily story and support a good cause
El Paso, Texas-- One El Paso man is using his Halloween decorating skills to tell a story and entertain his neighbors but it’s also all to support a good cause as well.
Ron Murphy has been decorating his east El Paso home with skeletons since last Halloween.
“We were just doing some Halloween decorating just using the different skeletons and silly poses just to have fun with the neighbors and the kids around here get a real kick out of it,” said Murphy.
For this year, however, his Halloween skeletons grew from two to three!
“This year we saw a kid skeleton and we thought, 'hey let's make a family out of it' and it’s taken off from there,” said Murphy.

Every other day, Murphy and his children will set up the skeletons in different positions to tell a story.
All of the scenes are based upon what he and his family enjoy doing.
“The dancing, the hanging out outside, and obviously family life,” said Murphy. “So family took on a new meaning this year because we got the baby. We did the whole pregnancy scene and it's gone from there. Every little scene foward is what the family has done from there.”

Neighbors drive by Murphy's home to enjoy the hilarious and creative stories he shares through his skeletons.
“They’ll come by and I'll get requests now asking for special scenes,” said Murphy.
And the skeletons have even gotten some love from social media.
"We put the sign out and people have all of a sudden started sharing it, people are liking it and following it and it just blew up from there,” said Murphy.
Because of all of the attention his decorations received, he decided to do something good in return.
“There's a program called “Skeletons for St. Jude,” said Murphy. “It's a fundraiser for St. Jude hospital and houses get together and they put their sign out.”
Skeletons for St. Jude is a nationwide fundraising effort that allows halloween decorating enthusiast raise money for St. Jude through an online fundraising page.
This is something that Murphy is happy he can do for those children in need.
“With us just trying to be a part of it we’ll be able to see what our community raises and if everyone is liking it and donate a couple of dollars it would be a great thing to make something positive out of this,” said Murphy.
If you would like to make a donation to The JP Family Bone's “Skeletons for St. Jude" page, just click here. And you can follow along with the story by following their social media account by clicking here.