El Paso Health Dept. releases numbers of how many babies have been tested for Tuberculosis
The City of El Paso Department of Public Health on the Tuberculosis screenings it has done so far.
This after 751 babies may have been exposed to TB.
Between Sept. 19 and Sept. 23, more than 1,300 calls were made to 211 to inquire if their babies were on the list.
There have been 495 appointments scheduled so far and 118 babies have been screened.
The number of positive results is still not available.
Results are usually available about 72 hours after a TB test is administered.
Breakdown of where the babies are from
671 were listed as residents of Texas
54 of New Mexico
26 of Mexico
1 from Arizona.
Look at the schedule of when the hospital employee with active TB worked and if your baby was born during that employee’s shift or was at the hospital during that shift, call the Health Dept. to see if your baby needs to be tested.
Numbers to call: 211, 915-771-1228, or 1-877-541-7905.
Screening for New Mexico residents is being handled by the New Mexico Department of Public Health and information is available by calling 505-827-0006