UTEP warns campus to be on alert for potential Russian cyberattacks

El PASO, Texas-- The University of Texas at El Paso has raised alerts about emails with suspicious links and pictures of the war that could be used to launch cyberattacks around the world.
The University said this would mostly be done through phishing attempts, and although they have strong controls preventing these messages from reaching mailboxes, some skilled attackers know how to avoid detection.
To keep UTEP safe from a cyberattack, the University sent out a list with tips for everyone to be vigilant:
- Don't open attachments or click on links before considering and verifying the source.
- Hackers use urgency as a weapon, take time analyzing emails, when in doubt delete and move on.
- If someone clicks/opens/enters something that might be concerning, it is to be escalated to IT immediately.
- IT never asks for passwords, so never give it over phone, text or email.
- Don't re-use passwords. Attackers use passwords from one area to get into others.