Recreational marijuana sales show slight decrese from April after New Mexico legalizes

LAS CRUCES, New Mexico- According to the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department the sales of recreational marijuana have declined slightly since the state law was lifted in April of 2022.
The RDL shows that in April of 2022 Adult sales reached $22,133,173.25
For the month of July those sales have dropped to $21,201,007.23
The numbers show the same trend for the city of Las Cruces.
ABC-7 spoke with the manager of Sol Cannabis, Las Cruces, Rusty Poe who says his numbers keep going up.
“Sales have actually been steadily increasing for us, the more product we bring in the more sales we have,” said Poe.
He said that when his dispensary started selling edibles and marijuana infused drinks more money was made.
Poe also mentioned that their facility allows consumption as well which he believes helps bring the numbers up.