City Pulls Out Of MHMR Agreement
El Paso city council refused to budge in its decision to back out of its joint agreement to govern the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center.
“I am indeed disappointed,” newly elected County Judge Veronica Escboar said. “But I’m not surprised. Maybe I’m the aggressive groom and the city is the reluctant bride. I think this marriage is important.”
Mayor John Cook said the relationship isn’t over, it’s just changed.
“I think what the council decided to do last week was dissolve the marriage, but continue dating,” Cook said.
Health providers said if the mentally ill don’t get treatment, they may end up in the emergency room or jail. City officials said this move is about accountability, not abandonment.
“I think that is a product of a city council that is not interested,” Escobar said after the vote. So what does this mean for the 8,000 people who rely on MHMR for help?
The city said it will still pledge to give $100,000 a year to MHMR, but county officials said that’s not enough.
“It’s been a struggle to try to re-educate some of the same members of city council about why this is important,” she said.
The county said its next step is to take the city out of the agreement at their meeting next Monday and find new members for the MHMR board.