Excerpts From New Mexico Gov. Martinez’s State Of The State Speech
Excerpts of Governor Martinez’s 2011 State of the State Address “Today, we begin to write a new chapter in New Mexico’s history.
“By working together, we will take our state in a new direction: embracing bold change over the status quo, choosing progress over complacency and putting aside partisan differences to achieve lasting results for New Mexico families. “As I said during the campaign, the challenges that confront us cannot be overcome by simply replacing one party with another.
“They can only be overcome when Republicans and Democrats – the Governor and the Legislature – come together to put New Mexico first.”
*** “We must turn to the issue that supersedes all others when it comes to the state of the state.
“And we must not sugarcoat it: New Mexico is in a state of financial crisis. “We face an historic budget deficit that will require candor to address and courage to resolve. “No more shell games. No more rosy projections. “We must tell New Mexicans the truth: our financial house is a mess and it’s time we clean it up.”
*** “When a small business needs to get a permit from one state agency, they must abide by one process. “And when that same small business needs a permit from another state agency, the process is completely different and they have to jump through a whole new set of hoops.
“So, I propose standardizing these administrative practices by passing the Red Tape Reduction Act.
“This will help small businesses understand regulatory guidelines and make complying with them less expensive, less time-consuming and less complicated. “Time is money. And the more money a small business saves, the more employees they can hire.”
*** “When it comes to educating our children, we can no longer throw more and more money at the same system and expect different results. “A recent report by Education Week gave the system a failing grade – that’s an ‘F’ – on student achievement.
“Unless we take decisive action to improve our schools history will judge us harshly. And rightfully so. “To reverse years of decline, we must place a command-focus on student performance and progress, not just on how much money we’re spending.” ?
“This session, I propose a comprehensive reform package that will transform our schools. “Our ‘Kids First, New Mexico Wins’ plan is comprised of four key initiatives.
“First, we will get money out of the bureaucracy and into the classroom.” ?
“Second, we will adopt an easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement system of grading. “Schools will be assigned letter grades of A, B, C, D or F, and these grades will be posted to the web.”
? “Third, we will end social promotion.” ?
“Finally, we will reward New Mexico’s best teachers.”
? “As I stated just days ago, ‘Nothing we do is more indispensable to our future well-being or will receive more attention from my administration than guaranteeing our children a quality education.'”
*** “Just as I view educating our children as a core function of government, I also believe providing public safety is one of our central responsibilities.
“For 24 years, I dedicated my life to being a voice for those who couldn’t speak for themselves.
“I specialized in prosecuting child abuse and child homicide cases.
“And I saw first-hand how criminals who got off light, later ended up committing unspeakable acts of violence.” ?
“We must always strive toward making our state a safer place.
“That’s why today, I am calling for the expansion of Katie’s Law.” ?
“When a monster rapes and murders a child or a criminal kills a police officer, the death penalty should be an option for the jury. “That’s why I am calling on the legislature to repeal the repeal – and reinstate the death penalty.”
*** “In recent years, too many have violated the public trust. “Politicians have treated taxpayer money as their own and rewarded cronies.
“Decisions have been made to benefit the powerful and the connected, while New Mexico families pay the price.
“It is our shared responsibility to restore confidence and faith in elected office.”
? “First, we must institute criminal penalties for public officials who know about, but fail to report, pay-to-play activity.” ?
“Second, when public officials are found guilty of corruption they should be immediately removed from office, receive mandatory prison time and be forced to surrender their pension.
“Third, it is imperative that we formally adopt legislation that prohibits the State Investment Council or any state investment agency from paying finder’s fees to those who help direct state investments.” ?
“And fourth, it is time to establish a Public Corruption Unit in the Department of Public Safety.”
*** “My fellow New Mexicans, we face many challenges. “Times are tough. But while the challenges are daunting, the opportunities are real. “The opportunity to put aside our partisan differences to put our financial house in order; “The opportunity to truly reform education by putting students first; “The opportunity to create a business-friendly state where small businesses flourish and children no longer have to leave New Mexico to find a good job.
“So we must not be intimidated by the challenges. “Instead, we must have the courage to confront them and the wisdom to seize the opportunities they present. “As I said during the campaign: It’s our state and working together, we will take it back.”