Police: 1 Las Cruces Student Arrested With 2 Guns; Another Arrested With 50 Rounds Of Ammunition
Two Las Cruces High School students are facing serious charges after police said one of them was caught with two guns and the other possessed 50 rounds of ammunition.
Police have not released the names or ages of the two male students, but said the two incidents are related.
Security officials said the incident unfolded when the father of one of the students spotted his son ditching class and hanging out at Frenger Park, just across the street from the high school. When police arrived at the scene, they found his son with a .22 and a .38 gun.
“It’s not smart,” said Victoria Chavez, a student at LCHS. Anything could happen especially with two guns. They could go off at any time.”
Moments later, police said they tracked down other students who had run back to school and found one of them had 50 rounds of ammunition.
“It’s crazy how someone has that much,” said Jessica Tierra, also a LCHS student. “I wonder how they got it.”
Police refused to provide any other details, except to say that they do not believe the two students were targeting anyone at the school.
“Whatever they were gonna use the weapons for. it wasn’t going to spill on campus,” said Todd Gregory, the Safety and Security Coordinator for LCHS.
Gregory said the guns did belong to a family member, but they should not have ended up in the student’s possession.
“Anytime you have weapons in your house, you have to secure them,” Gregory said. “You have to keep track of them. They should be in safes. They should have gun locks on them. You need to keep tabs on your weapons.”
Neither student returned to class on Friday. Investigators have not said what charges the students will face.