Floods cause severe damage to homes north of Doa Ana
Residents of Hill have spent the entire week cleaning up damage caused by floods this week. One resident, Mark Sale, says it will take months until his home is fully repaired.
“It’s a long-term process, and of course some of the stuff we’ll never recover. I’ve lost a lot of possessions, a lot of stuff, but at least my house is still standing no one has gotten hurt,” Sale said.
Sale says all he can do now, is look on the bright side. His home was severely damaged by Monday’s floods. Early Wednesday morning, he was still outside his home cleaning up the damage.
Sale hasn’t received any assistance from Dona Ana County, because the community of Hill is considered private property. Under state law, the county is restricted from spending any taxpayer funds for recovery efforts.
According to the Flood Control Department Director, Paul Dugie, the area may be added to a capital improvement list, which would make the community of Hill, eligible for county finding in the future.
Sale says with increasing rain chances and monsoon season in full swing, the county must do something immediately.
“I wonder about next time, or even today or tomorrow, you know the rain chances are greater, it could happen while we’re sitting here. It rained hard yesterday and we’re all just sitting here going, well what happens now?” Sale said.