Dust Storm Safety
According to the National Weather Service, dust storms or Haboobs are created by strong thunderstorms that can last for about 30 minutes dropping visibilities to zero in no time. If you encounter these dramatic and dangerous storms it is best to:
1. Pull off the road
2. Put the car in park – take foot off brake
3. Turn off your lights
Many motorist will keep their lights on while pulling off the road. Do not do this. Drivers coming up from the rear will think they can follow the car with the lights on and will leave the road causing a rear collision. This could be catastrophic.
We should all pay attention to the latest watches and warnings issued by our weather folks. A dust storm or sand storm warning means that visibility will be mile or less due to blowing dust and or sand. Wind speeds of 30 miles per hour or more will occur as well. This can be very serious even though folks think “it’s only blowing dust and sand!”