FBI Director on Public Corruption in El Paso
the fbi paid a visit to el paso. as we told you on abc-7 at four, james comey said the rumors of an isis camp across the border from el paso are quote — “nonsense. comey then talked about an issue that has plagued el paso — public corruption. el paso’s massive investigations –which led to the conviction of former county judge anthony cobos and other top officials — are now winding down. comey says the challenge remains to fight and prevent the influence of corruption from cartels on public and law enforcement officials. james comey: “i don’t kid mysel we’re ever going to kill it off, but we have to constantly send messages, we hope frightening messages, to public officials that might be tempted, if you’re tempted we’re going to lock you up, so you ought to stay on the straight and narrow.” coming up at 6, we’ll have more from comey’s visit to el paso… including how the agency is working to fight human trafficking along the border. sheriffs in texas could