LCPS Budget Cuts
shortfall. abc-7’s jamie warren is live from our new mexico mobile newsroom. jamie? since the district is getting nearly three million dollars less from the state next year: staffing cuts are a possibility. today, superintendent stan rounds tells us the district won’t lay off teachers. but they are talking about possibly not resigning temporary hires to make up the cost. not replacing all teachers who retire or quit is another possibility. he says they lose about 115-130 teachers every year to retirement. high school principals are also suggesting switching from block scheduling to 7 periods a day, which would require fewer teachers. while class sizes could increase, rounds says they’d still be well within state standards stan rounds, lcps superintendent 6:58:10 i heard some hesitancy on the part of the board i heard a discussion that talked about not changing our scheduling practice at high schools and so as i indicated to them last night what that creates is there are really two moving parts in this budget to deal with this deficit. pay or positions some are concerned a change in schedules will reduce the amount of electives students can take but rounds says if these changes aren’t made, there could be additional cuts to pay. however, nothing is set in stone. the district needs to finalize the budget by the end of may. live in lc with our nmmn jamie warren abc-7. at last check — about 75-thousand americans died from