Care in the Air: El Paso’s new medical helicopter

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The City of El Paso now has another tool for medical transportation. Last fall, the El Paso Fire Department and Air Methods announced the signing of a five-year contract.
During its short span, Fire STAR has already provided air medical transportation to hundreds of patients in the Borderland. STAR stands for Shock and Trauma Air Rescue.
"Basically like a hospital in a helicopter is what I call it because we could do different procedures. We could have them on our ventilator. You could intubate them. So these certain procedures are usually done in the hospital, but we have a capacity to do it here," said flight nurse, Arlene Alvarado.
ABC-7's Rosemary MontaƱez explores the features and capabilities of Fire STAR, and what it's providing patients across our region, and how it's saving lives.
Watch 'Care in the Air' on Thursday at 10 only on ABC-7.