How To Get Assistance From FEMA
EL PASO COUNTY, TX- Now that President Bush has declared El Paso County a major disaster area, residents are now officially eligible for federal disaster relief.
The declaration authorizes FEMA to issue grants for temporary housing, home repairs, and low-cost loans for property losses.
US Representative Silvestre Reyes says it was a real team effort to get the declaration.
The declaration refers to “flooding beginning July 31st and continuing.”
So presumably, damage from Tuesday’s storm is also covered.
Here’s what needs to be done when contacting FEMA for assistance.
First of all,residents need to register with FEMA by calling 1-800-621-FEMA or by logging on to, or just follow the link provided.
Residents will need to provide the following information:
A phone number where to be reached The address of the damaged property The address of where you are currently staying A description of the damage Insurance status Social Security number and a bank account number
Once residents register and provide FEMA with the necessary information, FEMA inspectors will go and assess the damage. Then, they will decide how much assistance, if any, residents will receive.
To avoid scam artists, do not give out personal information or bank account numbers to anyone who calls offering assistance.