Road Renovations Causing Traffic Headaches In Northeast El Paso
EL PASO, TX. – The lack of progress on one Northeast road construction project has residents wanting to know where the money is going.
There’s a barricade that’s been up in a lane for four months on Fred Wilson between Marshal and U.S. Highway 54. A city engineering spokeswoman says the delay in construction is due to months of planning and gathering materials.
One driver, like hundreds of others who’vedriven past- forced to navigate between two lanes instead of three – says he’s fed up with the lack of progress, “They need to do better planning. Make sure they have all their ducks in a row. All of their supplies purchased. Everything ready to go before they start blocking traffic, paying other vendors for work that’s being performed that does not need to be,” said Billy Crossland.
The bridge strengthening project is expected to take another four months, and cost around $250,000 dollars. A city street department spokeswoman is out of town and couldn’t comment on camera, but tells us the cost of keeping the barriers up is being paid for by the street department thoughshe wasn’t able to find out exactly how much that costs.ABC-7 was on-site for about three hours, and not a single construction worker was seen on the bridge.