Fifth-Grader Found Wandering East El Paso Thursday Morning
EL PASO, TX. – An East El Paso woman awakenedThursday morningand discovered her son was missing; she thought he’d been kidnapped.
She immediately alerted police and a frantic search for the boy took up much of the morning. Searchers eventually found the missing fifth grader a mile-and-a-half away from his home.
During the search, a helicopter zoomed above the school as parents walked their kids to school. Initially,ABC-7 was told the child might have been sleepwalking when he left his home.
“Apparently, hehad beensleep walkingsince around 6 a.m. Luckily, he was found, safe by the El Paso Police Department. He was walking around the area, and he was found on Montwood and Lee Trevino,” saidYsleta Independent School District Spokeswoman, Berenice Zubia.
Policewould notconfirm whether the child was indeed sleepwalking.Theboywas not injured and is now safe at home.
— Written for broadcast by Gary Warner
— Formatted for the web by Miguel Martinez