Perry Won’t Necessarily Refuse Stimulus Money
By ABC-7 Reporter Martin Bartlett
EL PASO — Texas’ chief executive will not necessarily refuse the Lone Star State’s share of the $787 billion economic stimulus package, a spokeswoman told ABC-7.
As early as January, Gov. Rick Perry, was named as one of a handful of state chief executives who have reportedly said they oppose the bill and might consider refusing the cash.
A spokeswoman said those reports were wrong concerning Perry.
“The governor is really clear that if Washington moves forward with a stimulus package … that would spread taxpayer dollars across the country, a large part of which are Texas taxpayer dollars, then he would fight for our fair share,” said Allison Castle, a spokeswoman for the governor.
Just an hour before President Barack Obama signed the bill into law, Perry told business leaders in Austin that Texas must proceed with caution making sure to spend the state’s share wisely.
According to, the Web site set up by the Obama administratrion to explain the bill, the omnibus spending bill would create or save 269,000 jobs in Texas and 22,000 in New Mexico.
U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, said El Pasoans would most likely benefit from the bill’s focus on increased spending in education, special education programs, and flood control.