Sun Metro Detours For Fan Fiesta Fireworks
El Paso, Texas – The Sun Bowl Fan Fiesta fireworks display will require the city to close Santa Fe Street from Franklin Avenue to San Antonio Avenue and detour 10 Sun Metro routes from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30.
Sun Metro drivers will make courtesy stops along the detour routes as required.
Detour for Route 4:
Buses traveling outbound, south on Santa Fe will turn left onto Franklin, right onto Oregon, right onto Paisano, left onto Santa Fe returning to the regular route.
Detour for Route 10:
Buses traveling outbound, north on Santa Fe will turn right onto San Antonio, left onto Oregon, left onto Franklin, right onto Santa Fe returning to the regular route.
Buses traveling inbound, south on Santa Fe will turn right onto Missouri, left onto Durango, left onto San Antonio, right onto Santa Fe returning to the regular route.
Detours for Routes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and SMART 101:
Buses traveling outbound, north on Santa Fe will turn left onto Paisano, right onto Durango, right onto Missouri, right onto Santa Fe and left onto Franklin returning to the regular route.
Buses traveling inbound, west on Franklin will turn right onto Santa Fe, left onto Missouri, left onto Durango, left onto San Antonio, right onto Santa Fe returning to the regular route.
Detour for Route 59
Buses traveling outbound, north on Santa Fe will turn right onto Paisano, left onto Oregon, right onto Franklin returning to the regular route.
For more information about routes, visit or call (915)533-3333.