Red Sands clean-up following July 4th festivities

EL PASO, Texas -- As is tradition, a cleanup of Red Sands occurred Sunday following festivities on July 4.
The organizer of this year's cleanup, Janeal Snell, posted to Facebook and Instagram hoping to gather volunteers. She said that there were about 20 volunteers this year.
"For next year, we need to start at the root. So before people think about going out there... just to take a trash bag. Something as simple as that. Taking out what you brought in, leaving no trace," said Snell.
Snell said some businesses around Red Sands helped assist the clean-up, either by providing space for parking and pointers or directly with the cleanup itself.
"Instead of lashing out on people for what they're doing, educate them, take action, and always always always be kind to one another," said Snell, "That's going to get the point across the best way possible."