East El Paso schools operating normally again following secure lockout

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Officials with the Ysleta Independent School District placed several school in the Hanks area of East El Paso under a secure lockout Thursday. That measure has since been lifted.
A district spokesperson provided ABC-7 with the following statement on the lockout:
"As a precautionary measure, all Hanks-area schools were placed on a secure lockout at about 10 a.m. today after Hanks Middle School administration reported the presence of a suspicious person near its main entrance. Ysleta ISD Security and the El Paso Police Department were quickly notified, investigated, and found NO credible threat. All students remained safe at their schools; no one was allowed to enter any of the campuses until the secure was lifted just before 11:30 a.m. Please be assured that safety is the No. 1 priority at the Ysleta Independent School District, and we take all necessary precautions to ensure the security of all students and staff."
Ysleta Independent School District