Canutillo ISD hosts community meeting on 2024 bond projects
CANUTILLO, TX (KVIA) — The Canutillo Independent School District will host a community meeting tonight to provide updates and gather input on their 2024 bond projects.
The bond totals $387 million, making it the largest per-capita bond ever approved in El Paso County. The bond was approved by voters in May 2024 and it includes updates districtwide.
The meeting is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Canutillo High School cafeteria. The El Paso based architects will be at the meeting to show renderings, discuss plans and answer questions.
Key projects under the bond include:
- Relocating and rebuilding Canutillo Middle School, Deanna Davenport Elementary, and Alderete Middle School.
- Constructing a brick-and-mortar campus for Northwest Early College High School.
- Districtwide upgrades to HVAC systems, roofs, and safety and security systems.
- Career and Technical Education upgrades
- New baseball and softball field lighting at Canutillo High School
As ABC-7 previously reported, the relocation of Canutillo Middle School to the Johnny Bean Horse Farm drew controversy after superintendent Pedro Galaviz approved the $6.6 million property purchase without board approval. The school board later ratified the decision in December.
"Our desire through this bond is to be as transparent and open as possible and to really have, meaningful community engagement so that trust that seemed to be an issue in the past is dealt with," Gustavo Reveles, spokesperson for Canutillo ISD, told ABC-7.
The new schools are set to be complete by 2027. "This is going to be transformative," said Reveles. "We want schools that communities can be proud of and to really set the pace for what Canutillo will look like in the next 20 to 25 years."