FBI makes arrest for threat targeting El Paso Walmart stores involving ‘potential active shooter’

EL PASO, Texas -- The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced an arrest Saturday of a person accused of making an online threat targeting Walmart stores in El Paso.
"The individual that made the social media threats towards the local Walmart stores was arrested by our agents late last night," the FBI said in a statement.
FBI agents, assisted by Texas state troopers, made the arrest of 29-year-old Alex Barron after raiding a home in Horizon late Friday night. An FBI agent said they executed a search warrant at that address prior to making the arrest.
"The El Paso FBI has zero tolerance for anyone who threatens harm to others, especially after August 2019," the Bureau said in acknowledging El Paso's Aug. 3 Cielo Vista Walmart tragedy where a gunman killed 23 people.
Barron was due to appear before a judge on Monday.
His alleged threat was made on social media with the posting of a photo of a gun and the statements "Watch out Walmart I'm coming" and "Drop like flys," the FBI said Saturday, indicating it considered Barron a "potential active shooter."
Agents said word of the threat came from tips by El Pasoans.
"Thank you to the concerned citizens of El Paso for reporting this threat immediately through the correct channels," said an initial statement from the FBI's El Paso field office Friday night that was retweeted by the El Paso Police Department.
It followed up in Saturday's statement by adding, "Thank you to the citizens of El Paso for "Seeing Something and Saying Something" in order to protect our community."
The individual that made the social media threats towards the local Walmart stores was arrested by our agents late last night. Thank you to the citizens of El Paso for "Seeing Something and Saying Something" in order to protect our community. #ElPasoStrong pic.twitter.com/SYWLvYoSxT
— FBI El Paso (@FBIElPaso) May 9, 2020
.@FBIElPaso is aware of the recent social media threat made towards local Walmart stores. We are working this matter closely w/ our law enforcement partners. Thank you to the concerned citizens of EP for reporting this threat immediately through the correct channels.#ElPasoStrong pic.twitter.com/YssjJA1g2a
— FBI El Paso (@FBIElPaso) May 9, 2020