El Paso County Commissioners speak about resolution on constitutional rights
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- On Monday El Paso County commissioners and Judger Ricardo Samaniego will approve and adopt a resolution to reaffirm El Paso County’s commitment to respect the constitutional rights of citizens.
Lliana Holguin, El Paso County commissioner for precinct 3, says President Trump's recent executive orders has caused fear in the community.
"You have women who are pregnant, on the verge of giving birth, who are scared that now their children are not going to be protected by one of the most fundamental rights listed in our Constitution. You have, children who have already born, been born here in the U.S., but who are worried that somehow they're in danger of now losing that citizenship status." Holguin said.
Holguin says a president can't simply decide to end it birthright citizenship. Last week, the commissioners court decided to file an amicus brief in one of the many lawsuits challenging the executive order's ability to end birthright citizenship.
David Stout, El Paso County Commissioner for precinct 2 says El Paso understands the need for immigrants, as 30% of our population in is foreign born.
"we need to change our, our laws and permit people to come here legally. I guarantee you that so many people would love to come across the bridge in a legal fashion, in an orderly fashion, be vetted, instead of risking their lives coming across, you know, the river or a treacherous desert or whatever it is climbing on, on a wall," Stout said.
Holguin says the county has authorized funding for an emergency liaison position at the county to deal with any kind of emergency including but not limited to natural disasters and immigration related issues.
"we're developing a phone number, a hotline that people can call where we'll have resources that we can give to people. We want the county to be a clearinghouse of information for our residents," Holguin said.
There is no date for when that hotline will go live but Holguin says she's hoping for sometime soon because she understands there is a need for it in the community.