Wet Texas weather conditions mean dangerous roads: Tips for staying safe behind the wheel

EL PASO, Texas -- Bad weather conditions can make roadways more dangerous. The Texas Department of Transportation suggests that, during rain, it is important to increase distance between your car and the car ahead of you. TxDOT also recommends reducing your speed to a third of the speed you would normally drive.
TxDOT reports that speeding and distracted driving are the leading factors of traffic crashes in the state.
Kerran Fowlkes, the President of Sunny Day Defensive Driving, said if drivers are speeding, and not paying attention, it is easy to make quick, bad decisions.
"If you're not paying attention, or you're speeding and someone in front of you stops suddenly, your first instinct may be to swerve left or right not realizing that there was a car in your blind spot, or to the side of you," Fowlkes said.
He says this is especially true in complex driving situations, like school zones, where lots of activity is taking place.
"Something tragic can happen that quick, when you're looking down and you're not paying attention," said Fowlkes. "That's when it can happen, especially when that happens with two people right? You have a driver not paying attention and a pedestrian not paying attention."
Fowlkes recommends leaving early, and giving yourself enough time to get where you're going to avoid rushing.