Your Voice, Your Vote: Early Voting Begins Monday

EL PASO, TX ( KVIA)-Early Voting period for the November 2023 Uniform and Special Election begins next Monday, October 23rd and ends Friday, November 3rd. Ballots for this election will include state propositions, Village of Vinton, and Horizon Regional Municipal Utility District. There is a total of 32 countywide Early Voting Locations for the convenience of voters and hours of operation vary by location.
Voters can locate sites by “Find My Nearest Early Voting Location” or by entering their zip code on the Early Voting Locations page on our website:
• Early Voting Locations -
Be prepared before heading to the polls:
• Voter registration status/eligibility -
• Current election information -
• Personalized sample ballot -
Voters may vote a regular ballot by providing one of the seven forms of acceptable photo identification or by completing a Reasonable Impediment Declaration at the voting place and providing one of the
supporting documents.
For a list of acceptable photo identifications or supporting documents, visit
If a voter requested a ballot by mail and later decides to vote at the voting place, a voter must surrender
their ballot by mail to vote in person. If a voter does not surrender their ballot, a provisional ballot will be
offered to the voter.
Voters with questions can call our office at (915) 546-2154 or email at