What to know before you head out to vote on Election Day

EL PASO, Texas - After months of polls, debates, rallies, and tv ads, Election Day is finally here! Today from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. voters can go to any vote center to cast their ballot. Voters no longer have to vote at a specific location within their precinct.
Before you head out the door to vote you want to make sure you have one of the acceptable forms of identification. Acceptable forms of identification are; Texas Driver’s License, Texas Election Identification Certificate, Texas Personal Identification Card, Texas Handgun License, United States Military Identification Card, United States Citizen Certificate, and a United States Passport.
Multiple safety measures will be employed to protect voters and poll workers. Machines are separated by six feet, and each voting location will have a clean team whose only role is to clean and sanitize the voting system after each use. each voter will receive a Vote Safe El Paso kit containing hand wipes, a disposable marking utensil, a glove for your finger, and of course the “I Voted” sticker.