County Judge’s Office Gives Update On Courthouse Closure
The El Paso County Courthouse will be closed through the weekend while the investigation continues following a bomb threat telephoned on Friday, according to County Judge Anthony Cobos’ chief of staff Jaime O. Perez.
As a note, the courthouse is routinely closed on weekends, and Perez says authorities are taking all necessary precautions to ensure safety. He adds things are expected to be back to normal by Monday.
Around 6 p.m. Friday night, people were escorted into the building by sheriff’s deputies to pick up their belongings, while the garage was open for people to pick up their cars.
All previously scheduled courthouse activity, including hearings and marriages, is postponed until Monday.
Sheriff’s Deputy Jesse Tovar said the investigators were expanding the perimeter around the county courthouse from San Antonio to Florence.
According to El Paso County Sheriff’s Deputies, a “male voice” phoned the threat to the courthouse shortly before 10:00 a.m. Friday, prompting the evacuation of the courthouse.
Deputies were conducting a sweep of the courthouse, and summoned bomb squad K-9 units to the building.