Dolores G. Baca, El Paso City Council District 2 candidate
Name: Dolores G. Baca
Office you seek: City Representative District 2
Age: 56 years old
Occupation: Housewife/writer
Education: B.A. degree in Psychology and minor in Criminal Justice
3 classes from completing the Alternative Certification Program
Family: Robert R. Regalado, my Chihuahuas, and myself
1. Number-One campaign focus:
I feel that the great weather in El Paso, and the low cost of living makes it an excellent City to live in. We need to renovate and revitalize the downtown area, to attract new businesses and the retirement community from all over the world.
2. What sets you apart from your opponents?
I was born and raised in El Paso from two wonderful parents, Dionicio L. Baca, and
Francisca Garcia Baca. I am one of 19 brothers and sisters from the same parents.
Being the 13th child gives me the experience to mediate, negotiate, and compromise.
These values will guide me to represent District 2 of the City of El Paso.
3. Relevant experience that qualifies you for the position you seek:
I was elected as President for The Water Control and Improvement District in
Westway. I was also elected by my precinct 75 then, and which is now 77, to represent Hillary Clinton as Delegate at the 2008 Democratic Convention in Austin, Texas. I also have a degree in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice. I am also 3 classes from achieving my teacher credentials from the Alternative Certification
4. If you had the chance to revoke one ordinance in El Paso immediately upon taking office, which one would it be?
El Paso, Texas Code of Ordinances, Title 18 – Building and Construction, Chapter
18.18 – Outdoor Lighting Code, Article 1. Purpose, Intent, Compliance and
5. Describe a moment that changed your life:
My father was a victim of Alzheimer’s and I put my life on hold to be available for
him. His care was a 24/7 gift of love. Three of my sisters shared the responsibility,
and the best joy, was that he lived longer than expected. The lesson I learned is
patience, loyalty, responsibility, and how un-selfish I was. To this day I miss my
mother and father very much.
6. In what ways is EL Paso on the right track, and in what ways does it need to change course?
The old buildings downtown are being renovated to shine. The area is cleaner and
pleasing to tourist and visitors. The new stadium is a plus and will create jobs.
Creating jobs is also one of my priorities. Some ordinances are not be honored by
residents, therefore the City needs to enforce them.
7. If elected, how will you balance the needs of family, your career and your office?
My husband and I have been married for 16 years and share the responsibilities at
home. If elected for City Representative for District 2, I will accept the position as a
full time job. I will fulfill my duties to the people of El Paso by responding to phone
calls, community concerns, and act ethically with everything I do.
8. When and why did you come to El paso (if applicable)?
Except for three years in San Francisco which I lived with family. I was born and
raised all my life in El Paso, Texas. I came back because my heart belongs here with
my family and friends.
9. Please indicate whether you have a website, twitter, or face book account:
No! but we do have access to the internet and use it for research, information, and
for writing my family history, stories, and a book on Alzheimer’s.