More immigrants to El Paso: Are there enough resources?
With the new wave of undocumented immigrants coming to El Paso,
the question now is:
Are there still enough resources available?
Last week El Paso saw over 200 immigrants come through the city.
and with another 200 expected to seek shelter over the next few days activists say they are ready to provide help.
Volunteers prepped cots for an expected 60 or more immigrants to stay the night.
“What we find are people that haven’t had showers, they’ve been wearing the same clothes, food has been very unpredictable for them,” said Ruben Garcia, director of the Annunciation House, a shelter for immigrants in El Paso.
Garcia told ABC-7 arriving immigrants are also anxious to contact their families in the United States.
Garcia said shelters and community centers around the city can provide the necessary care because everyone in El Paso has embraced the situation.
“The response from the community has been really gratifying and I can’t overemphasize the number of churches that have stepped forward, organizations in El Paso that have quickly said ‘whatever you need’,” said Garcia.
He says the last group of 270 immigrants has already left the city.
He told ABC-7 it gave them time to restock and prepare for another wave.
The center has already set up blankets, toiletries, dining rooms, kitchens, and even play rooms for the kids.
There is one resource they can use: Volunteers and their time.
“Come with an iPAD so they can look up the Greyhound bus schedules, with cell phones so they can contact the immigrants families so that the arrangements can be worked out,” said Garcia.
ABC-7 asked Garcia how the immigrants have expressed their feelings toward the help the community has offered them.
“When you are so vulnerable and you are so at-risk and then to simply be welcomed there just aren’t words to convey what that means to people,” said Garcia.
Garcia tells ABC-7 they have enough to provide for the immigrants but if anyone would like to help out you can call the Annunciation House at 915-545-4509.