Ruidoso firefighters make progress in Moon mountain fire
wildfire would burn down ruidoso high school. as we speak…; there’s a public meeting underway in the very building. that’s because a lot of progress was made overnight to save the school. state officials say the “moon mountain” fire is still only 40 percent contained… but they expect to get a much better grip on it since the wind is no longer sprreading the flames: “the firefighters right now are trying to mop up the fire you know basically just take care of some of the smaller flames and smoke that is still coming up and the wind makes that really challenging the latest information from the new mexico wildfire website lists 125 acres are charred. and as we speak .. 2-hundred firefighetrs are on wortking round the clock. we’re told a specially trained hotshot crew crossed the fireline and is working from the inside to put the fire out. and air attacks also continue which is why state officials tell anyone with a drone to keep them grounded until further notice. like rick said, the public is being updated on the firefighting efforts at ruidoso high school. the meeting began at six o’clock. and after a few days of staying home, it’s back to the classroom tomorrow morning for students and teachers at ruidoso high. also new tonight, warrior drive in ruidoso just reopened about an hour ago. and if you have no businesses being up there… don’t go! the public is asked to stay away from the fire zone because any added traffic could hurt their efforts. our new mexico mobile newsroom crew is getting a first-hand look at what it takes to fight a wildfire like the moon mountain fire. we’ve been by their side as the crews suit up and head into the burning forest. to take a look at pictures our crew sent back… … we posted them on the facebook page… and we have a slideshow at it just so happens this week is wildfire awareness week in new mexico and arizona. also at right now… just look for the ruidoso fire story at the top of our homepage. that’s where we have a link to an outreach tool kit. federal and state agencies ask that