Heat safety tips
fires up next monday. but residents are already feeling the heat. with temperatures rising…its important to know how to handle the heat and what kind of resources are available. joining us today with some helpful tips are… nancy guzman… information and referral specialist for texas 2-1-1. and sara saucedo …public health communications specialist for the city health department. will be providing information on 2-1-1 texas services, and how to connect people to resources, especially those most vulnerable to extreme heat. we will also be providing information on how someone or someone they know can request a free fan with the help of the extreme weather task force. sara saucedo public health communications specialist key talking points: stay hydrated – drink plenty of water wear cool, light- colored clothing plan outdoor activities in the morning or evening when temps are cooler – visit city facilities such as libraries, recreation centers where there is air conditioning keep pets safe as well – with access to cool spots, shade and water be a buddy – check on neighbors, family and friends for more information visit www.ephealth.com time now for a preview of abc-7 at 5