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Impeachment and other historic moments: A look at 2019 in 325 political headlines

In a year brimming with historic moments, the House of Representatives closed out its final session of 2019 in the biggest way possible: formally impeaching President Donald Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

And since that’s the most recent major news cycle in a year full of them, it’s easy to forget what happened this year.

But going through the year’s major headlines (which we recap every Friday in The Point newsletter), you remember just how many storylines happened this year, beyond a single July phone call. Below, the year 2019 — in 325 headlines.

Week of January 4

Trump claims he has not ‘abandoned’ a concrete border wall

Trump says he ‘essentially’ fired Mattis

Trump says he is considering using emergency powers to build wall

Week of January 11

Trump walks out of shutdown meeting

Trump calls border wall a ‘medieval solution’ that works

Trump ready to declare national emergency

Trump claims Mexico isn’t going to write a check for a border wall

Week of January 18

Trump: ‘I never worked for Russia’

Trump personally paying for Clemson’s fast-food White House meals

Giuliani says Trump didn’t collude but can’t say if aides did

Cohen says Trump directed him to pay for poll rigging

Trump denies Pelosi military aircraft for war zone trip

Week of January 25

Supreme Court allows transgender military ban to go into effect

Sources say Trump’s not angry at Giuliani: ‘Rudy’s not getting fired’

White House expresses ‘support’ for Covington Catholic students

WH adviser says there could be zero growth if shutdown lingers

Trump to temporarily end shutdown — without wall funding

Week of February 1

Cohen agrees to testify February 8 behind closed doors

Trump tells worried ally ‘I love the Kurds’ in hotel meeting

Sarah Sanders: God ‘wanted Donald Trump to become president’

Elizabeth Warren apologizes to Cherokee Nation over DNA test, tribe says

Cory Booker announces 2020 bid

Week of February 8

Trump won’t commit to releasing Mueller report

Top general says Trump did not consult him on Syria announcement

Ahead of annual physical, Trump has not followed doctor’s orders

WH refuses to meet Congress’ deadline on Khashoggi killing

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax faces second sexual assault allegation

Week of February 15

Trump rails against Green New Deal and ‘socialism’ in 2020 rally

Trump floats new ‘tradition:’ 4th of July parade that already exists

William Barr confirmed as attorney general

Trump declares national emergency to unlock billions for wall

Week of February 22

Trump signs Space Force directive

Michael Cohen won’t have to report to prison until May, judge rules

Trump, Kim to meet one-on-one next week

Roger Stone cannot speak publicly about case, judge rules

Week of March 1

House passes resolution to overturn Trump’s emergency declaration

Trump meets with Kim

Cohen testifies to Trump’s involvement in hush-money payments

WH limits press access at Trump-Kim meeting

Trump leaves Hanoi with no deal

Senate confirms former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler to lead EPA

NYT: Trump demanded Kushner get top-secret security clearance

Week of March 8

Trump revokes order on reporting civilians killed in US airstrikes

Nielsen defends the administration’s immigration policies

Michael Cohen sues the Trump Organization

Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison

Ex-Fox News executive Bill Shine out at the White House

Trump alleges Cohen asked him ‘directly’ for a pardon

Week of March 15

Manafort sentenced to 7.5 years total in prison for federal crimes

Trump says he ‘feels badly’ for Manafort

Trump grounds Boeing 737 Max planes

Ross says he didn’t mislead Congress on census question

Trump offers condolences to New Zealand following mosque attacks

Week of March 22

Trump again attempts to pressure GM on Ohio plant closure

Trump claims his Syria strategy hasn’t changed

Trump complains he didn’t get a ‘thank you’ for McCain’s funeral

Trump: US needs to recognize ‘Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights’

US announces new round of sanctions on Iran

Special counsel Robert Mueller ends investigation

Week of March 29

Trump greets Netanyahu, signs Golan Heights proclamation

Pompeo expands US ban on funding for abortion services

Ed Dept. opens preliminary investigation into admissions scam

Trump: Mueller probe an ‘attempted takeover of our government’

Trump calls Jussie Smollett case ‘an absolute embarrassment’

Trump adds a deadline on his threat to close the border

Week of April 5

Trump praises NATO chief, says he’s happy allies are ‘paying’

Trump says he’s ‘not concerned’ with security breach at Mar-a-Lago

Trump backpedals: ‘I don’t think we’ll ever have to close the border’

Trump suddenly pulls ICE nominee to go with someone ‘tougher’

Biden jokes about physical contact in first speech since allegations

Week of April 12

Barr says redacted version of Mueller report to be released within a week

Trump denies reports he will reinstate family separation border policy

Barr says spying on Trump campaign ‘did occur,’ but provides no evidence

Trump claims he might ‘call up more military’ to the US-Mexico border

Week of April 19

House committees issue subpoenas to probe Trump’s finances

A fire gutted parts of Notre Dame Cathedral and altered the Paris skyline

Mueller report unable to conclude ‘no criminal conduct occurred’ on obstruction

Obstruction by Trump failed because others refused to ‘carry out orders,’ Mueller report says

Top judiciary Dem issues subpoena for full Mueller report

Week of April 26

House panel issues subpoena to former WH counsel Don McGahn

WH ordered Trump administration officials to boycott WHCA Dinner

Michael Cohen set to report to prison May 6

SCOTUS will hear arguments over census citizenship question

Trump touts ‘progress’ in combating the opioid crisis

Admin sets up plan to identify thousands of separated families

Trump gives base-pleasing NRA speech, teasing 2020 pitch

Week of May 3

Trump team sues Deutsche Bank and Capital One to keep them from turning over financial records to Congress

White House bemoans renewed focus on Mueller report, Barr fallout

Undocumented former Trump club employees say they sometimes worked without pay

Barr downplays Trump’s effort to remove Mueller, but report contradicts the AG

Trump honors victims, laments ‘witch hunts’ at National Day of Prayer service

Trump and Putin spoke by phone, discussed Mueller report

Week of May 10

Trump awards Medal of Freedom to longtime friend Tiger Woods

Trump pardons former soldier sentenced for killing Iraqi prisoner

Pompeo: Melting sea ice presents ‘new opportunities for trade’

Melania Trump announces plans for year two of ‘Be Best’

Trump invokes executive privilege over Mueller report

Key House Democrat issues subpoena for Trump’s tax returns

Week of May 17

Trump says he’ll meet with China’s Xi amid intensifying trade fight

US-China trade talks at a halt, despite cheery Trump tweets

Trump administration declines to join Christchurch Call to Action

TSA to deploy hundreds, including air marshals, to border

Michael Flynn told Mueller people connected to Trump admin or Congress attempted to influence him

Week of May 24

Trump tweets threat at Iran: ‘Never threaten the United States again!’

Trump is expected to tap Cuccinelli for top DHS role on immigration

Tillerson told lawmakers Putin was more prepared than Trump

Trump denies ‘temper tantrum’ in angry public episode

Lawyer for SEAL accused of war crimes also works for Trump Org

Admin proposes rule that removes transgender health care protections

Week of May 31

Trump says he’s not ‘personally bothered’ by NK missile tests

NYT: Admin to change how climate change effects are assessed

Mark Morgan takes over as acting director of ICE

Trump unleashes fury on Mueller, disputes US intel findings

Trump teases ‘big league statement’ on immigration

WH, Navy emailed about keeping USS McCain out of Trump’s sight

Week of June 7

DOJ: census allegations an ‘attack on the integrity’ of department

Trump reinforces support for Brexit and praises UK’s outgoing May

Trump issues early morning barbs ahead of D-Day commemoration

Trump says he didn’t talk to Harry about ‘nasty’ Meghan comment

Trump hails D-Day veterans as ‘among the very greatest Americans’

Week of June 14

Cuccinelli takes over Citizenship and Immigration Services

Trump and Biden swap verbal blows

Trump says Kim has ‘kept his word’ after Bolton said he hasn’t

Impeachment inquiry is ‘not off the table,’ Pelosi says

Pence: Ban on flying LGBTQ flags from embassies ‘right decision’

Kim’s ‘beautiful’ letter to Trump contained no details on way forward

Trump says he would accept dirt on rivals from foreign governments

Sarah Sanders leaving White House post after fraught tenure

Trump says his visit was the most fun Queen had in 25 years

Week of June 21

Trump chastises Mulvaney for coughing during TV interview

Shanahan withdraws as defense pick after domestic allegations

Hicks won’t answer queries on White House in Congress interview

Trump raised nearly $25 million in a single day, RNC official says

Biden called Booker about segregationist senators controversy

Missouri could become first state in decades with no abortion clinic

Lack of soap, filthy onesies and too few beds have created a ‘health crisis’ at border detention facilities, monitors warn

ICE set to begin immigration raids in 10 cities on Sunday

Week of June 28

Trump accuser: Alleged assault mirrored ‘Access Hollywood’ claims

Trump taps Melania’s spokeswoman as next WH press secretary

Trump: Attack on anything American will be met with ‘obliteration’

Iranian pres says WH is ‘suffering mental disability’ over sanctions

Trump: Rapinoe ‘should WIN first’ before declining WH invitation

Trump says Pence is ‘100%’ his 2020 running mate

Trump’s light-hearted warning: ‘Don’t meddle in the election’

Pentagon facing possibility of third acting defense secretary

Week of July 5

Government misses its own census printing deadline as Trump hints at delay over citizenship question

Trump claims military is ‘thrilled’ to participate in his July 4 celebration

Trump’s political allies receive VIP tickets for July 4 show

Trump says he is ‘absolutely moving forward’ with census question, contradicting his own administration’s officials

Washington Post: Park service to redirect $2.5 million for July 4 celebration

Trump at his rainy July 4th event: Americans ‘part of one of the greatest stories ever told’

Trump critic Justin Amash quits Republican Party

Homeland Security doctor says he’s giving migrant children the care he’d want for his own kids

Joe Biden says he wasn’t prepared for Kamala Harris to confront him the way she did

Week of July 12

WH directs ex-aide not to answer 200+ Democratic questions

Pentagon confirms it will have 3rd acting leader this year

Megan Rapinoe to Trump: ‘Your message is excluding people’

Alex Acosta defends role in Epstein sexual abuse scandal

DC mayor says Trump’s July 4th bash drained security budget

Trump backs away from census citizenship question

Acosta resigns amid furor over Epstein plea deal

Trump defends Pelosi, says she’s ‘not a racist’

Week of July 19

Trump denies racist tweets were racist

‘Squad’ responds to Trump: The US ‘belongs to everyone’

House session on condemning Trump comments devolves into fight

Trump celebrates House killing impeachment resolution

Trump picks son of Antonin Scalia as next secretary of labor

Trump claims to disavow racist chant after pressure from allies

Trump administration weighs allowing no refugees into US next year

Week of July 26

Trump accuses Iran of lying

Trump administration moves to speed up deportations

Trump and allies keep up attacks amid Mueller’s testimony

Mueller says his report did not exonerate Trump

Trump claims victory in wake of Mueller testimony

Robert Mueller sticks to the script in high-profile hearings

Trump: Sweden ‘let our African American community down’ in A$AP Rocky case

Week of August 2

Trump’s trip to Turnberry cost the State Department at least $233K

Ben Carson stands by Trump’s depiction of Baltimore

Justice Dept. won’t prosecute Comey over handling of FBI memos

Week of August 9

Trump cites video games as a driver behind mass shootings

Trump suggests tying gun measures to immigration

Trump has run over 2,000 Facebook ads warning of ‘invasion’

Trump mulls legislative and executive options after mass shootings

Trump brags about crowd size during hospital visit in El Paso

Dayton mayor ‘at a loss’ for why Trump aired grievances

Trump laments coverage as aides concede visits to mourning cities didn’t go as planned

Photo shows Melania Trump holding infant orphaned by El Paso killer

EPA ‘exceeds’ goals on cutting back environmental regulations, according to internal watchdog

Joe Biden’s campaign says he misspoke when he said ‘poor kids’ are just as bright as ‘white kids’

Week of August 16

Trump promotes Epstein-Clintons conspiracy theory, the latest in a pattern of baseless claims spread by President

Barr cites ‘failure’ at NYC jail that held Epstein, says ‘co-conspirators’ should not rest easy

Cuccinelli rewrites Statue of Liberty poem to make case for limiting immigration

Hong Kong police clash with protesters in chaotic scenes at airport

Pelosi calls McConnell ‘Moscow Mitch’ for blocking legislation

Trump tells crowd it has ‘no choice’ but to vote for him over economy

Trump inquires about US buying Greenland, but it’s not for sale

Rep. Rashida Tlaib says she won’t visit Israel after being allowed to enter on humanitarian grounds

Week of August 23

Lawmakers slam Trump and Netanyahu at emotional news conference following scrapped Israel trip

‘I have made mistakes’: Elizabeth Warren apologizes, turns to policy talk at tribal forum

Trump cools on background check push in recent lawmaker conversations

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee drops out of presidential race

Trump postpones Denmark trip after Prime Minister refuses to discuss sale of Greenland

Nikki Haley bats down idea of being Trump’s 2020 VP pick: ‘Vice President Pence has been a dear friend of mine for years’

David Koch, billionaire businessman and influential GOP donor, dies

Week of August 30

Trump skips G7 climate summit with aides claiming scheduling conflict

Oklahoma wins case against drugmaker in historic opioid trial

Citizenship will no longer be automatic for children of some US military members living overseas

Trump did not agree to G7 aid package for Amazon fires

Trump cancels Poland trip to monitor hurricane

Washington Post: Joe Biden conflated details of several war stories into one during town hall

Week of September 6

Trump went golfing as Hurricane Dorian threatens US

Trump claimed Dorian could hit Alabama — even after weather service refuted it

McConnell says he won’t take up gun bill unless Trump says he will sign it

Trump shows apparently altered Dorian trajectory map

Pence stays at Trump’s Doonbeg resort hours away from official meetings

Fact-checking presidential candidates at the CNN climate town hall

Trump called Fox News correspondent into Oval Office to argue he wasn’t wrong about Alabama

Democrats widen impeachment probe as they confront roadblocks

Week of September 13

Air Force orders review of all international layover stays following bookings at Trump Scotland resort

Trump overruled advisers, VP on Taliban Camp David meeting

Republican reps cite 9/11 anniversary in criticizing Trump decision to invite Taliban to US for peace talks

Trump fires John Bolton

NOAA publicly releases internal memo criticizing ‘political’ influence on Hurricane Dorian controversy

Trump administration moves to ban flavored e-cigarettes

Beto O’Rourke: ‘Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47’

2020 Democrats push back at ‘personal’ attack after Castro questions Biden’s memory

Freshmen Democrats who flipped GOP seats push back on impeachment push

Week of September 20

Nadler: ‘Personally, I think the President ought to be impeached’ but public has to be on board

Trump says it looks like Iran was behind Saudi oil field attack

Lewandowski stonewalls and frustrates Democrats in contentious Capitol Hill hearing

Pelosi and other Democrats say no to Kavanaugh impeachment

Republicans have no idea what Trump wants them to do on guns

Jimmy Carter jokes ‘I hope there is an age limit’ on presidency

Rudy Giuliani denies asking Ukraine to investigate Biden — before admitting it

Trump’s communications with a foreign leader sparked whistleblower complaint

WSJ: Trump repeatedly pressured Ukraine’s President to investigate Biden’s son

Intel Inspector General suggested whistleblower had concerns about multiple actions

Week of September 27

Washington Post: Trump ordered hold on military aid days before call with Ukrainian President

House Democrats near ‘tipping point’ on impeachment as Pelosi faces crucial week

Trump paints Democrats as fixated on impeachment after Pelosi announces inquiry

Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, transcript shows

Schiff says Ukraine scandal is ‘the most serious misconduct of the President thus far’

Romney out front of GOP with criticisms of Trump’s Ukraine call, but signs emerge that he’s not alone

Justice Department knew about whistleblower complaint involving Trump more than a week before referral

Biden accuses Trump of trying to ‘hijack an election’ by pushing Ukraine investigation

Pelosi says Barr has ‘gone rogue’

White House says lawyers directed moving Ukraine transcript to highly secure system

Hundreds of ex-national security officials support impeachment inquiry into Trump

Week of October 4

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans

McConnell: Senate would ‘have no choice but to’ take up House’s impeachment of Trump

Trump circulates quote invoking ‘civil war-like fracture’ if he’s removed from office

New York Times: Trump suggested shooting migrants in the legs

Kurt Volker: Diplomat never ‘fully on the Trump train’ set to appear as as first witness in Ukraine probe

Trump’s private fury over impeachment spills into the public

Bernie Sanders off campaign trail ‘until further notice’ after being treated for artery blockage

Trump says he has ‘absolute right’ to ask ‘other Countries’ to investigate corruption

Ukraine will review probe into gas company linked to Biden’s son

Week of October 11

Turkey to send troops into northern Syria as US pulls out of area, White House says

Extreme measures being considered to protect whistleblower identity if he talks to Congress

White House official said Zelensky call was ‘crazy’ and ‘frightening’ in memo

Bernie Sanders: I’m ready ‘to go full blast’ following heart attack

Republican anger at Trump grows as Turkey launches ‘sickening’ attack on US allies

Sondland intends to testify next week under subpoena, source says

Week of October 18

Returning lawmakers face tough choices, uncertain paths on Syria

Fiona Hill was Trump’s top Russia adviser. Now she’s testifying on the Ukraine scandal

2020 Democrats debate against backdrop of impeachment inquiry

Hunter Biden says he used ‘poor judgment’ in serving on board of Ukraine gas company

US troops express anger at Trump’s Syria policy: ‘We betrayed’ the Kurds

Trump wrote letter to Erdogan telling him ‘don’t be a fool’

McConnell previews Senate impeachment trial and speculates it could end by Christmas

Graham calls Syria decision ‘biggest mistake’ of Trump presidency

Trump claims Turkish incursion into Syria ‘has nothing to do with us’ and Kurds are ‘not angels’

Mulvaney brashly admits quid pro quo over Ukraine aid as key details emerge

Trump to host G7 at his own Florida resort property

Trump likens Turkish attack on Kurds to schoolyard fight: ‘Let them fight and then you pull them apart’

Rep. Elijah Cummings dies at age 68

Week of October 25

Romney says he’s behind secret ‘Pierre Delecto’ Twitter account

Democrats see impeachment proceedings taking longer than some initially expected

House Republicans push to censure Schiff over whistleblower comments

Republicans storm impeachment inquiry deposition in House Intel hearing room

Bill Taylor testimony ‘reverberating’ among House Republicans, GOP sources say

Week of November 1

Trump shares image of hero dog injured in Baghdadi raid

George Papadopoulos is running for Congress in California district vacated by Katie Hill

Trump claimed ISIS leader ‘whimpered’ in final moments. Top officials don’t know where he got that detail

Shouting match erupts in Vindman deposition as Democrats accuse Republicans of trying to out whistleblower

Vindman testified he was convinced Ukraine aid became part of Trump’s demand for Biden investigations

Trump ditches New York to become a Florida resident, court documents show

Trump campaign says impeachment vote was a fundraising boon

No clear leader among 2020 Democrats for Iowa caucus goers in new poll

Week of November 8

Trump welcomes World Series champs Washington Nationals

US begins formal withdrawal from Paris climate accord

Democrats will control Virginia government for the first time in more than two decades

Biden slams Warren’s ‘wrong presidential primary’ comment as elitist

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions praises Trump in announcing run for his old US Senate seat

Pence dismisses ‘Anonymous’ book claim that senior officials believed VP would back 25th Amendment push

Mick Mulvaney refuses to comply with House subpoena and doesn’t show up for impeachment deposition

Week of November 15

With public hearings set to begin, Giuliani considers launching an impeachment podcast

Democratic voters want the 2020 field to shrink, not grow

Republicans shrug off impeachment hearings as ‘boring’

Trump asked the Pentagon to explore trench on the border, Pentagon advised against it

Diplomat who overheard bombshell call between Trump and Sondland set to testify

Newly released transcript of first Trump-Zelensky call raises additional questions

Week of November 22

Trump’s doctor releases memo on President’s health after surprise weekend hospital visit

GOP senators downplay developments in impeachment inquiry

Trump campaign blitzes Facebook with ads attacking impeachment inquiry

Polls show impeachment hearings aren’t changing much

Alexander Vindman has reached out to Army about his family’s safety amid attacks by Trump and GOP lawmakers

2020 Democratic candidates debate in Atlanta

Trump says he won’t allow Navy to punish SEAL who posed with dead body

Trump won’t say whether he’ll sign Hong Kong bill, citing trade talks

Week of December 6

House Democrats vote to send impeachment report to Judiciary Committee

Trump announces G7 to be hosted at Camp David

Democrats debate whether to include Mueller report in impeachment articles

Trump drama turns NATO gathering into a diplomatic soap opera

Three legal experts make forceful case for impeaching Trump at contentious hearing

Trump sets his sights on Senate as he comes to grips with impeachment

Week of December 13

McConnell says impeachment trial to begin around ‘time the bowl games end’

McConnell will move to acquit Trump if he’s impeached, not merely dismiss charges, 2 Republican senators say

Nearly 3 in 4 Americans say impeachment won’t change minds

Impeachment heads to full House after historic vote

Week of December 20

House Judiciary Committee releases report explaining impeachment charges

Nancy Pelosi won’t commit to sending articles of impeachment to Senate

Buttigieg faces first night as top target on Democratic debate stage

An impeached Trump tries looking ahead, but uncertainty threatens Senate vindication

Trump agrees to deliver State of the Union on February 4

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