Local family tries to make a splash in reality TV
An El Paso family wants to make a big splash on reality TV by showcasing a mix of hard work and humor with their new reality TV show, “Extreme Water Works.”
Miguel Angel Mercado is President of Ocean Gallery USA & Dorian Construction Group, which specializes in creating one-of-a-kind aquariums and pools.
The idea for a reality show all started when Miguel took a trip to Vegas.
“We went to Vegas and I looked up in the phone a company by the name of ATM. I called to see what they had and the gentleman that answered was a guy by the name of Wayde King. He asked me to come on down and he asked what I was doing. We befriended one another,” said Miguel.
Wayde King is a producer and reality tv actor best known for Animal Planets reality show, “Tanked.”
“I saw Wayde’s show and I loved it,” said Miguel.
That’s when Miguel got the idea to feature his family in a reality show. With the help of a local videographer, Raul Mendoza, Miguel began production on “Extreme Water Works.”
Miguel’s son, Dorian, tackles school and the family business as well.
“We try to have some fun along the way. Our Saturdays are gonna be our meeting days,” said Dorian.
On Saturdays the family gets together and comes up with a game plan to film the show. Filming for each episode usually takes between 3 to 6 weeks.
“Extreme Water Works” airs in Spanish and English. That helped to catch the attention of major TV producers.
The show is currently being shown to two major networks and if all goes well, it will be featured in South America.
The Mercado family’s company is the first ever to do a reality show on paid programming. They were recently rated by Nielson Rating and the ratings revealed that the show had over 4,000 people watching every week.
“Extreme Water Works” has been in production for 4 years now. The show gives viewers a sneak-peek into the family’s business, and personal lives.
“It feels good to cut loose and be around the people that, essentially we’re family owned, so people that you care about,” said Dorian.