Remodeling starts at future YISD girls’ school campus
The Ysleta Independent School District said phase one of a remodel to move Young Women’s Leadership Academy students onto their new campus started.
Pat O’Neill, YISD Chief of Operations, said the the young ladies are currently studying on the former Ranchland Hills Middle School campus.
“We knew they would be there for a couple years before they move over to what is Hillcrest Middle School,” said O’Neill.
A number of upgrades were planned as a part of the $633,500 remodel.
“Some electrical upgrades, we’re gonna do some restroom remodeling, and the big part of it is going to be the science labs.”
The Texas Education Agency has different standards for science labs at high schools, and because the Young Women’s Leadership Academy plans to become a sixth through 12th grade school, the upgrades are necessary.
“Right now we’re talking about three phases possibly including the next bond election,” said O’Neill.
District leaders said the young women will be able to move to their new campus at the start of the next school year.