Men Shouldn’t Ignore Aches, Pains, Says Local Orthopedic Surgeon
As Men’s Health Month comes to a close, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Erick Torres spoke with ABC-7’s Stephanie Valle about a topic more closely associated with women – bone and joint problems.
Bone and joint problems vary by gender, meaning treatment and recovery are different for both men and women. Not receiving the proper treatment only allows for aliments to worsen.
Here are a few orthopedic conditions that men are at higher risk for:
*Fractures in their fingers and hands.
*Complications with osteoporosis and hip fractures, developing conditions like pneumonia and systemic infections after a hip fracture.
*More likely to have a soft-tissue injury like tears to an Achilles tendon or an arm-muscle injury.
Men, as they get older, can develop not only osteoporosis, but also rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid problems.
The key – don’t ignore the aches and pains. See your doctor.