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Seasonal Depression around the holidays: how to identify and deal with symptoms

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EL PASO, TX (KVIA) -- Seasonal depression is something that happens throughout the year. But around the holiday's, those feelings can be elevated.

ABC-7 spoke with Sarah Martin, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and an associate professor at Texas Tech Health El Paso.

She said seasonal depression is mainly attributed to light. With less light outside, depression symptoms can be more common.

The "holiday blues" are symptoms that could meet the criteria for depressive disorder, but it is not an actual diagnoses. However, it is still an issue.

Many people will spend their time around the holidays with their friends and family, but for those who may be having family issues, seeing others with their loved ones can cause depressive symptoms.

Martin did offer some advice for those with seasonal depression or the holiday blues that doesn't require a doctor.

She said to get a light that is at least 10,000 lux off Amazon or Walmart.

"While you're on your computer, you would set it uip right in front of you or while you're watching TV or having breakfast... the more light you're exposed to, the better it will offset the darkness, the dark mornings and the dark evenings that we're having in the winter."

Article Topic Follows: Be Mindful

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Rishi Oza


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