Borderland welcomes Budweiser’s ‘Gentle Giants’ Clydesdales

EL PASO, Texas-- The World-Famous Budweiser Clydesdales are visiting El Paso ahead of the Oscar Leeser’s Hyundai of El Paso Sun Bowl Parade on Thursday. Depending on the weather, the eight giant horses will be harnessed and hitched to the famous red beer wagon for the parade. The handlers are looking closely at the weather, if it rains the horses will be carried by trailers with the windows down so crowds will still be able to see the horses.
"The rain doesn't bother the horses, it's actually for the equipment we have and everything," explained Todd Radrmachter, one of the seven Clydesdale horse handlers, "If it's raining really hard the harness gets wet, the lines get wet it's just kind of a safety factor."

The Clydesdales have a rigorous schedule year-round. Those in charge of the horses said their on the road about 330 days a year. These horses are anything but average, to be chosen as a Budweiser Clydesdale the horses need to stand six feet at the shoulder and weigh an average of 2,000 pounds or more. The horses must also be bay in color, have four white legs, a blaze of white on the face and a black mane and tale. The hitch see's crowds of people daily and millions a year. They get their nickname "gentle giants" for their docile temperament, allowing everyone to get close and possibly pet them."
As famous as the Clydesdales are, another staple in the hitch is the Dalmatian who sits atop the wagon. Organizers said the Dalmatians join the group because in the early days of brewing, they were bred and trained the protect the horses and guard the wagon while the driver went inside to make deliveries.

The Clydesdales are scheduled to make several appearances in the area beginning Thursday for Oscar Leeser’s Hyundai of El Paso Sun Bowl Parade in conjunction with the city’s Thanksgiving festivities.
On Friday, the “Gentle Giants,” will be at Ft. Bliss’ Freedom Crossing from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
In addition to the appearances at the Sun Bowl and Ft. Bliss, the Clydesdales will make a final stop at the Ysleta Tigua Reservation at 9200 Socorro Road. The eight-horse hitch will arrive Saturday at 1 p.m. and will be available for
viewing and photos until 3 p.m.