Study: NM Drivers ‘Better’ Than Texas Drivers
LAS CRUCES, NM – Results from the second annualGMAC Insurance National Drivers test show that millions of Americans are unfit to be on the roadways.
WhileBorderland residents are quick to complain about our fellow drivers, the survey reveals how driversstack up against the rest of the nation.
According to the study, New Mexicans are slightly better than Texans when tested on driving knowledge. New Mexico ranked 29th in the nation while Texas drove in at number 33.
Additionally, the study finds that 1 in 10 people, nearly 20 million Americans, would probably fail it they were to re-take a state driver’s test.
Results show Oregon has the nation’s best drivers and Rhode Island, has the worst.
The study surveyedmore than 5,000 Americans of all ages, in every state but Alaska and Hawaii.
For more statistcs found in the study, click onthe link provided.