Differing Views On Replacing EPISD Trustees
EL PASO, TX. – El Paso School Board members have decided how to replace two trustees who resigned, but not everyone agrees with their decision.
In a 3 to 2 voteTuesday night, the board decided to appoint members to replace former trustees Sal Mena and Carlos Cordova rather than call for a special election in November. Board Vice President Sergio Lewis says he is opposed to appointing two people to replace Mena and Cordova.
“Considering all the issues that are flying around in this community today,I really feel the public should have been allowed to participate in this process,” Lewis said.He argues that thedecision should be made by voters. Mena’s and Cordova’s departures left the trustee positions for districts two and three open.
If an election were scheduled, it would have to be on November 6th. Board President David Dodge argues that’s not enough time to fairly attract candidates. With replacements to be ushered in by appointment, those against the idea are frustrated. Board members say they will take applications for the two vacancies until October 15th.