Certificate Of Obligation To Be Used To Pay For Future Projects
EL PASO, TX- El Paso County Commissioners say they will use certificates of obligation to pay for future renovations throughout the county. The total amount is estimated at about $79.5 million, which includes improvements towards county-owned parks, courthouse, and jail.
During Monday’s meeting, Commissioners said the future renovations will be paid with certificates of obligation, meaning debt incurred without voter approval. Commissioners say the county is in good enough shape that this new debt wouldn’t bring up a tax increase.
The nearly $80 million price tag is aimed toward fixing-up Ascarate Park; paying for the major facelift at the Sports Complex; improvements at the Tornillo-Guadalupe Port of Entry, the jail, and the jail annex; and a mental health treatment center for children; among other projects.
The court split on approving the debt, with Commissioner Dan Haggerty and Judge Anthony Cobos voting against it.
Previously, Commissioner Dan Haggerty has been in favor of using county funds to build a treatment facility for children with mental health issues. But says he would have rather seen that project go to a vote instead of, as he puts it, “shoved down the taxpayers throat.”
Only one person went before the court to ask them to reconsider, saying that eventually this debt of nearly $80 million will have to be repaid in the future. County Commissioner Luis Sarinana’s response, “These are things that are needed, and we were elected to make tough decisions. Either we do it now or I guess the voters will remember us when it comes to re-election.”