Cheech Marin Donates Art Prints To EP Museum
EL PASO, TX– Pass through the halls of the El Paso Museum of Art in Downtown El Paso, and you’re bound to come across some striking artwork from a Chicano perspective.
The images are from the Chicano art collection of actor Richard “Cheech” Marin, who is connoisseur of the genre. Now the limited edition prints have found a permanent home in El Paso, as Marin has donated them to the art museum.
The originals of the pieces are in Los Angeles, Marin said. The prints that have been donated locally are a gesture of thanksto the musuem, which served as host for the Chicano Visions Art Exhibition.
Marin said the art can communicate the trials and triumphs of a people. “What we bring as a Chicano culture is something very positive for the communities, and the U.S. in general,” Marin said.
By Kevin Pytcher, ABC 7