Sanitation Strike May Affect Waste Collection
EL PASO –A strikeamong sanitation workerscould impactresident’scollection service.
Garbage truck mechanics and drivers for El Paso Disposal point to what they callunfair labor practices as a reason for the strike that began at midnightWednesday morning.
The companycollects up roughly2,000 tons of trash a day from El Paso apartment complexes and businesses.
Their union held a news conference to discuss grievances.
“The company has engaged in illegal activities against its employees,” said Victor Aguirre of the International Union of Operating Engineers.
“They have done what is called direct dealing. They have tried to deal with the employees directly, going around representation of the union,” Aguirre said.
Aguirre also said the strike is backed by the union and employees will strike as long is necessary to work out a fair deal.