Documentary Shows Dangers Associated With Meth Use
EL PASO — Some consider it to be the most dangerous drug found in most communities.
Borderland officials are urging residents to beware of the risks associated with the use of crystal methamphetamine. Across the country, officials have launched the so-called Crystal Darkness campaign to raise awareness about the drug.
“We’re very fortunate right now that crystal meth hasn’t made its way to El Paso, but if it does get here this drug is to dangerous that once you start using it you become addicted almost immediately and there is very little chance for recovery,” said MayorJohn Cook. “So, our job is to make sure we prepare our defenses against it right now.”
ABC-7 will air a documentary, “Crystal Darkness,” 6:30 p.m. April 10,on the El Paso/Las Cruces CW channel.
From the documentary’s Web site:
The Crystal Darkness Campaign was a unique collaboration between the local media, schools, law enforcement, recovery specialists and the business community. It was spearheaded by Secret Witness — a non-profit crimestopping organization.