County Courthouse Open To Early Voters Despite Holiday Closure
EL PASO — Voters were able to cast ballots in early voting for run-off elections at the County Courthouse despite it being closed for Cesar Chavez day.
Monday marked the third time in March courthouse halted operations to honor a holiday. Officials said the county courthouse is one of the voting sites that always has a good crowd of electioneers and a constant flow of voters.
All county employees, except election department workers, at the courthouse got the day off. The doors were also open to voters wishing to cast ballots.
Only a few electioneers milled outside the courthouse, trying to scrounge up support from the few voters who showed up.
At one point, poll workers outnumbered those who were casting ballots. They said it was a slow day and believe the holiday affected turnout at the courthouse.
“The surrounding workforce Downtown usually takes advantage of being able to vote at the county courthouse. Hopefully — as the week progresses –the voter turnout will increase dramatically,” said Javier Chacon, the Director of County Elections.
“It’s an expensive proposition to shut down the courthouse for a day,” said County Commissioner Dan Haggerty, in regards to paid vacation costs. He thinks there will be a better turnout once the courthouse opens up again.”Many countyemployees vote here,” he said.