Responses To ABC-7 Xtra, 08.24.08
I truly believe that this constable is an aggressive individual. His past is evidence of his aggression and he takes his authority above the law…The individual he stopped has a tainted past as well, but a witness saw what the constable did was wrong and maybe someone will look further into the constable’s past actions and take steps to fire him.
The constables were the first police officers to police before the city established their cops. Mr. Ramos deserves to be heard. I lived in neighborhoods that people like the individual that Mr. Ramos pulled over are hot heads and capable of injuring others. El Paso needs to learn to work together, especially the law enforcement. Remember the most powerful tool is communication, which EPPD refuses to share lines with other. If my family member needs assistance, it would not matter who arrived, what matters is that a crime would be prevented, such as an assault. These commissioners should think out of the box, especially now that they are getting a raise. The commissioners need to evaluate the growth of El Paso so that constables may assist in fighting crime.
Regarding the Deputy Constable (Ramos) involved in the recent shooting and why Constable Gamboa has neglected to act upon this: I knew of a family, many years ago, whose relatives had the last names of both Gamboa and Ramos…could this be merely coincidental? The family of whom I am speaking is also related to one of the Border Patrol agents serving time for his part in a shooting.
First of all, the authority given to constables is by State Law and the local politicians can’t change their powers or duties. As far as the history of this individual constable, it is apparent that he most likely should not have been hired from his excessive force background. However, the guy that hit his car and ran away had a previous history of violence and had the constable pulled his gun to stop this fleeing individual (which he had every right to do) and this suspect moved toward that constable, he had every right to shoot him. You can be sure, this constable will be vindicated in this matter. And your show is a joke. You ask to have people call you and you took TWO lousy calls. You ask people to email you and you don’t address any of those emails. We wasted our last time watching your show and the totally inept moderator.
Constable Gammon, You just stated that deputies you hire “have to have 1 year experience.” I believe you have at least 2 deputies with less than 1 year. Any comments?
The constables are not PLAYING Police as the commissioner stated. They are police. The commissioner needs to educate himself on what he is speaking about.
The only reason Ramos has not been convicted is he always takes the easy way out by resigning before the investigation is complete, therefore stopping most of the actions that can be taken against them. Ramos should have been charged in each of the other accusations from the other departments he worked for. If it had been any other citizen they would have been charged and arrested and prosecuted. We have city, county and state police officers to enforce traffic codes.
If Ramos had even applied for a job as a deputy and looking at his background and I had to make the decision to hire him, he would still be looking for a JOB. He does not only put a black mark on the police but the military as well.
I was assaulted by Constable Ramos on March 12, 2008 on Lee Trevino and Montwood. He left me bruised and cut. I filed a report to the Sheriff’s Dept. and asked to press charges. They took my report and said they couldn’t do anything about it. The sheriff said he is an elected official. I think more of the reason to serve and protect instead of harming us. That is another reason why citizens don’t trust the law .