Equine Disease Restricting Horse Transport Into NM
RUIDOSO, N.M. (AP) – An equine disease that can result in acute illness and sometimes death is restricting the transport of some horses into New Mexico.
The New Mexico Livestock Board has barred the import of horses from Texas counties that have confirmed cases of equine piroplasmosis. Racehorses will not be allowed to enter a New Mexico racetrack until they have a negative equine pirophasmosis test within six months.
State Veterinarian Dave Fly told the Ruidoso News that the board has taken a proactive stand to protect the state’s racing industry as well as the exhibition and breeding industry from the introduction of the disease.
Equine pirophasmosis is a blood parasite that causes blood loss, anemia, debilitation, and death in some acute cases. It is primarily transmitted by certain species of ticks.
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