ELP Lands Body Scanning Machine
The next time you fly anywhere from El Paso International, you just might have to step into a full- body scanner at the airport…and it can see everything.
El Paso is the 81st of 450 full body scanners across the country. They look under travelers clothes to spot any weapons or explosives.
Officials with the Transportation Security Administration showed off a Backscatter X-ray machine at El Paso International.
They’re the latest defense against possible attacks at airports all over the country. By the end of 20-11 T-S-A says it will have 1,000 machines nationwide.
Passengers are selected randomly. A T-S-A officer will ask you to step into the machine and it will scan you from head to toe.
The whole thing takes about six seconds.
“This passenger imaging allows you to be hands free where as before when there was an anomaly (in) the metal detector they had to go through a further screening process; this will take care of that and they won’t have to do it,” said Mark Momsen, Federal Aviation Director.
One security officer looks at the images in this isolated room and never even sees the passenger.
They’re not allowed a camera or cell phone, anything that could be used to copy the image.
“There are many layers to make sure your privacy is protected and that our officer is protected,” said Momsen.
The machines have been criticized for the very detailed images they show. Passengers can opt out of the scanner, for pat down and search by hand.
Most people we spoke with didn’t seem to mind.
“I think many of the things we’ve tried haven’t worked, so I think I’d rather air on the side of invasiveness for safety,” said traveler, Mary Sa.
“I think it could be a good thing…you gotta make a trade off somewhere as to how much you’re willing to give up for more security,” said another traveler.
Officials say each scanner costs between 130 and 170 thousand dollars. They’re being paid for with stimulus money.