Rev. Felicia P. Hopkins
Originally from Buffalo, New York, Reverend Felicia P. Hopkins is the resident preaching pastor at St. Mark’s, where God has used her to touch and inspire numerous lives. Along with a regular Sunday morning preaching schedule, she also leads a uniquely-designed-for-women monthly worship service that draws women from other churches and denominations in our Texas/New Mexico area.
Rev. Hopkins received her undergraduate degree in Social Work from Valparaiso University and went on to obtain her Master of Divinity degree from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She has been in full time ministry since 1992, and has functioned as an ordained Elder in full connection with the United Methodist Church for over 10 years. As a pastor she has served congregations large and small, as well as being a campus minister at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Pastor Felicia brings a plethora of experiences to her ministry from the corporate world where she worked for the Wal-Mart Distribution Center and Pepsi-Cola Company before entering ministry. She has achieved many things in many places with many people, but her most honored rewards are being a servant, and being a mother to Samuel and Adam Hopkins, her beloved sons.
Rev. Hopkins motivates her audiences to take action for God. Her inner strength and energetic personality have an undeniably infectious effect on those whom she serves.