Alcohol being served at non-traditional establishments on Fort Bliss
Fort Bliss is affirming its commitment to the welfare of its soldiers by attempting to curb substance abuse and encourage health and welfare programs as well as quality of life on post.
It is partially being done through the development of places such as Freedom Crossing, according to Fort Bliss officials.
But those focal points could be contradictory.
“Some of our accidents, some of our shootings, some of their underpinnings are high-risk behavior,” said Maj. Gen. Dana Pittard, Fort Bliss’ commander.
Pittard said suicides and deadly ricks are often fueled by high-risk behavior, including drinking alcohol.
And places on post, such as Freedom Crossing, are serving alcoholic beverages to civilians and soldiers alike.
“It has worked just fine,” Pittard said of alcohol being served at Freedom Crossing on post. “It makes you feel almost like you’re not on a military post.”
Pittard said that’s the whole point.
“It’s a destination,” PIttard said. “So it’s natural we have alcohol establishments there, like an Irish pub and we actually serve alcohol in the movie theaters.”
Pittard insisted serving beer, wine, and spirits, are all part of transforming Freedom Crossing into a destination for more than just the soldiers stationed at Fort Bliss, but for the entire community.
“So if you’re going to drink, do it responsibly,” Pittard said. “And oh, by the way, there’s a lot of security outside freedom crossing.”
Pittard also added, for those soldiers and vistors alike who want to avoid drinking and driving, Freedom Crossing offers and encourages taking their buses.