Police detective describes arrest of convicted rapist Arturo Valtierra during sentencing phase
The sentencing phase continued Wednesday for convicted rapist Arturo Valtierra-Payan.
Valtierra-Payan, also known as Arturo Valtierra, faces up to 99 years in prison/
Valtierra was convicted Wednesday on five charges, including three counts of aggravated sexual assault in the attack of a Manhattan Heights woman in late June 2013.
Aggravated sexual assault is rape in Texas.
Valtierra has been charged with raping three women in the Manhattan Heights area in May and June 2013.
The other cases are pending.
The state has called several of the officers and detectives to the stand to describe the investigation and evidence leading up to the arrest of Valtierra in early July 2013.
Several El Paso Police crime scene unit officers testified how they gathered evidence at several of the scenes of the attacks.
A detective described how that evidence was used and the investigation leading up to Valtierra’s arrest.
Police detective John Armendariz testified about how police closed in on Valtierra,
Finding him at a trailer park in the Lower Valley, going by the nickname “Monkey.”
Armendariz said that the man who first met him at the door of the trailer shouted, “I want to see a warrant, I know my rights,” but then whispered “Monkey’s in the back.”
Armendariz and officers were then motioned inside the trailer, and saw Valtierra.
Armendariz brought out and arrested Valtierra, with Valtierra saying, “What is this about? You have the wrong person?”
Valtierra himself didn’t react much as he listened to testimony through an interpreter, though he did seem agitated during some of the testimony about the investigation.